Dear Reggie,


I have the honour of enclosing a letter of enquiry from one of my pals, who refuses to be ignored. I wonder when the day will come so that you may release me irom receiving such epistles. I'm sure once the news is abroad these nunters will give up the chase.

Mr. Basner called me to his office and only then started to ask me about the case mentioned by Sam Radebe and also asked them who has been speaking about your Case. This was made only to make me feel that he is serious . After this he asked me to keep out of this business and make no connections with you until he has subpoeaned Dora Mokoena to give evidence in the case. I'm still expecting word from him to hear about his progress, which he promises to be short and snappy this time. To tell you my honest secret I do not trust the whole group and I almost

threatened to take the case away from him, but felt that it was not proper to act until I have given him another chance. He advises me to take no interest in the matter. How can I keep anay ? How can I allow him to play the fool

with this case and expect heaven when there is no paradise.



At any rate, I'm sorry I'm coming down to you with no good news of progress. This thing will take another year. He, Mr. Basner, was keen to get me to arrange a lecture for him at the Social Centre more than taking heed to this case.

I understand your Hubby, Percy is on leave and intends going out to Natal. I wonder whether he will have the knack to come your way. If he does, he will get the shock of his lifewhen he sees me there just at the same time with him, and actually make ng myself at home. I wonder how he will react to it. You must take care that nothing is done to disturb my stay with you. For I want to have you all to myself. You need int be scared, I'll give him his due respect as the owner of the Mrs Kumalo, but nothing more. You will have to be sincere and respectful when he is about at the same time.

I hope you have received your parcels. I can't get any kore at this time but hope to bring something more valuable when I come down. Shall we be able to go to Claremont Township and see our "Home" and also take you to see my "Home". I am at present engaged in big business schemes which I'll enumerate to you when I see you in a short time. Kindly send my best regards to Mrs Mackay, my Grannie U la-Thala, to the boys and to your dear soul.

Be Good, and please expect me every moment of the day after the 13th instant.

Yours affectionately,
