P. 0. Box 6975 Johannesburg 22 ta April 1938 Dear Reggie, fightles. She hment se her for was great with Last night we had a Debate at the Bantu Men's Social Centre and my whole impression about the debate was that it lacked some thing very vital, and that was one African talented woman, who could engage in the debate and discuss on behalf of the women of our race just as that European girl did. It was a shame to see such a lot of men and the Hall was full) and yet no woman to come and listen even in the Debate. I am sure if you were here I would have forced you to take a part in the discussion and asked you to come out with me The Duropean lady who took part in the Debate was great. She beat some of our men. I could have kissed her for the fine stand she put for the Union Government speaking for the Incorporation of the Protectorates. She fought a losing battle, but it was a brave fight. The pity about it all, is that she was white and not black. When are we going to get a Bantu Woman to make that stand for her people ? O Reggie, the more I think of it and crack my head to find an answer, the more I feel how utterly dependent on you I am for my race. I think of all the women I know, and go through them like a motor car speeding from Heidelberg to Joh,burg and my destination is only one I rest on thee. Now will you disappoint me? Note what I said i. I said I depend on you for the good of my race not so much for my own personal good. It is always about my race I think and I have Vowed to dedicate myself and my companion to the service of my race. I need a real, sincere friend - one I can share views of progress with - and I think I fou have found that friend in you. Am I right ? I was leading the debatefor the African side, and although I had no time to study the question of the Protectorates, I did not waste time in rubbing it in to the Europeans the hopeless position in which the Union Government has placed my people and that until they have shown a better treatment of their Union Native, they have no right to demand the incorporation of the Protectorates. It was an interesting debate and we had quite a good time, but my heart is still dissatisfied because we had no African woman with us. Surely some of our great friends like the "D hlomos "V ilakazis" etc have married educated women, why can't they bring them out on such occasions and let us share their views on Life's problems. Shame! Thursday night I went with my European friend Mr. Carroll to hear the "Pitch Black Follies Sing. We were again disappointed in the acting and voices of the women. They seemed to have been conscious of the fact that they were jakt acting their parts without living their parts. My friend detected it at once and we left for a good discussion outside the Hall on his car. Our topic was the future of our people and what can be done for our women. He was first disgusted about their physique. The raw country girl was praised as a fitter, more graceful figure than the modern town society- lady. Yes, I felt it very much, for a race without a virile womenhood is bound to crumble under dust sooner than the other races with stronger, alert and bright women. I thought of you and what you were degenerating to whilst in this town, and I could not help but cast my eyes in prayer, that you may be spared to develop your vitality and bring back that glow and promise of your young days( as I saw you in that S nap of yours with your mother). Eat more fruit - digest more ideas that are ennobling - feed on good contacts - and study yourself in relation to other women in your vicinity- breathe much more fresh ax air - get out into the open and commune with the sages, the saints, and the beau ties of mother-nature. Do anything that will restore your vitality - your virginityand your ideals in life. Some thing must be sacrificed for

the greater ideal - the upliftment of our race. Use as much of the privileges you can summon to get to know more about the use of the Cinema, the Concert, the sports, the social entertainments - as units for race-consciousness and selfhelp. I am sure you are so sociable that you can do a big thing in solving some of our problems on life. My brother was with me at the debate and he remarked on the same weakness of our women. I could laugh to kill myself when he suggested a real tour of inspection from Natal to the Cape and throughout the territories for an African woman, who has the ideas we have. I laughed because if he knew who I had in mind, he would have killed me for the suggestion. so interested hope she wilītter with out our reia compare Meern women. Goch. she more likt. I have written you a letter with your Mother's address only a day ago and I hope she will forward your letter to I ndaleni. I was so interested in your Mamny! s face for she looked more like a Cousin of mine, who is Mrs Hlatywako at George Goch, She looks far brighter and she must be a very modern woman. I would like her to write me a letter just to compare her writing with yours. What has she to say about our relationship ? Des she really believe I am a worthy companion for you? Did you tell her I was interested in making you a real, asset to African womanhood ? The first thing she has to do is to slaughter me a fat-calf for having restored her daughter to life and to respectability. S he had sold you to the Kunalos for a mess of pottage and instead of demanding your rights for you she hides herself in Durban and sends you pathetic letters. I did not do so. I acted well and to - day she Theaks with tym through my efforts. Be Good, dear Meggie, and spend your time well in good company and meditation Send me some notes for meg Magazine. Hrad the Paps about our Tennis Finals. It is raining onli herr since Friday Night. We can have no games on the grounds and Const. All around us is Water. On Inesday Jam a guest of the SA Seattute arus belastens, Jill be discussing the producten. Fanather play with a Pink and Live to na tie produeran T V Mr. 4. Suffern, Aflectinath Pune

