Page of Interest to Women of the Race

In view of our last week’s article on ‘Manners’, we are pleased to publish a similar article from our popular contributor ‘Mademoiselle’. It is our aim to publish at suitable intervals articles touching on Manners for all occasions. We hope these ‘talks’ will be of great help to women readers (Editress).

Bits and Pieces for Everybody (by Mademoisell).

Gentlemen: it is very rude to light a cigarette and smoke merrily in company of women without asking for an excuse. Please save the weaker sex from suffocation!

Mothers: Dresses mean a great deal in character of a child. How do you dress your son or daughter? Be not surprised if they become Mahuzu. Copy your white neigbours.

Ladies: Pay your own fares in buses, tramcars, taxis and functions. Unless a gentleman has asked you specially from home to go with him, don’t ask him to pay for your pleasure lest we call you a gold digger.

Children: Respect does not cost money, it gives one rosy cheeks and brings a bright countenance. Know yourselves lest you grow too big for your boots.

Teachers: Every little face that comes to your school is that of an Angel, please don’t disfigure it with a bad example and irresponsible attitude.

Nurses: Every patient that come sto you be he the ugliest and most restless in the whole ward is somebody’s Darling. Remember the Golden Rule, when your patient passes through the valley of the shadow of death.

P.D.S. Supported by a Reader. Mademoiselle quotes qualities of an ideal wife. By Mademoiselle. I am of the same opinion as PDS and believe it is any youngman’s privilege to voice his opinion as to what kind of maiden he would choose as a wife. The summary below was once given as a standard in judging an ideal wife, perhaps it may help those who are not sure of what is the best to look for in a woman.

One young man once uttered the following statement: ‘a girls’ education is not complete unless she has learnt to sow, cook, mend, be gentle, value time, dress neatly, keep a secret, avoid idleness, be self reliant, darn stockings, respect old age, make good bread, keep the house tidy, be above gossiping, make a home happy, control her temper, take care of the sick and the baby, sweep down cobwebs, marry a man for his worth, read the best books, take plenty of active exercise, be a helpmeet to her husband, keep clear of trashy literature, be light hearted and fleet footed, be a womanly woman under all circumstances.’

So I think there is quite a lot to look for in a woman besides a powdered nose and lipstick.

Indaleni M.S.